

Consultation by appointment

From Monday to Friday, as of 7:00 AM consultations can be booked by appointment. To make an appointment, call between 7:30 AM and 9:00 on our general phone number 010 45 20 330 [option 3]. You can also make a digital appointment by clicking the button Patiëntenomgeving on the top of the website. There you can also request an email consult or video consult. If you are unable to attend an appointment, please let us know immediately. Thanks!

Telephone consultation hours

For telephone consultations you can call us from Monday until Friday between 1:30 PM until 2:00 PM on 010 45 20 330 [option 4].

Front desk opening hours

The front desk is open from 8:00AM until 10:30AM and from 1:30PM until 3:00PM. Outside these times the desk is closed due to the large amounts of administration that has to be processed. Of course you can go for emergencies.

Home visits

Home visits have to be requested before 10AM, except emergencies. Please call 010 45 20 330 [option 3] to request a visit. Do mind, because visits cost a lot of time, we have to limit visits only to those patients who are unable to visit our practice in person due to illness.

Blood checks

You can visit the practice in the morning for blood tests. You must make an appointment for this by telephone. You can also contact the STAR.


For emergencies, call the practice 010-4520330 [choice 1]. You will then get on the line with one of the employees. Outside our opening hours, you will be automatically forwarded to the general practitioner ( 010-4669573). You can also contact the Telephone Answering Service (doctor's telephone) on telephone number 010-420 11 00. If the situation looks serious, call 112.